How does it work?
Geothermal heating and cooling uses the earth’s constant temperature.
Geothermal heating and cooling uses a ground source heat pump to transfer heat between a building and the ground through a buried loop system of pipes, using the earth's constant temperature to provide efficient heating, cooling, and sometimes hot water. By absorbing heat from a building or transferring warmth back in, depending on the season, it is one of the most efficient ways to deliver a constant comfortable temperature to a residential or commercial space.
During the winter, the fluid collects heat from the earth and carries it through the system and into the building.

This process creates free hot water in the summer and delivers substantial hot water savings in the winter.
During the summer, the system reverses itself to cool the building by pulling heat from the building, carrying it through the system and placing it in the ground.
Compared to other HVAC systems, ground source heat pumps:

Can reduce energy consumption by approximately 25% to 50% compared to air source heat pump systems.¹
Can reduce energy consumption and emissions up to 72% compared to standard air-conditioning equipment.¹

Deliver heating efficiencies 50% to 70% higher than other heating systems.²
System life is estimated at up to 24 years for the inside components and up to 50+ years for the ground loop.³

¹ U.S. Department of Energy
² IGSHPA: Frequently Asked Questions (